Friday, March 30, 2012

An Easter "Yes!"

In just over a week, we will celebrate Easter!  The flowers, trees and birds seem to be shouting out "Yes!  We are alive!" Even though it has been unseasonably cold this spring, the signs of renewal and new life are everywhere.

For many, many years now, buying and wearing a new "Easter outfit" has not been a part of my plans for participating in Resurrection Sunday worship and celebration.....but this year I have had a happy desire to do just wear something colorful and bright and new on Easter morning.  This yearning took me by surprise and I gave some thought to why it was happening and what it means.  Why?  The answer, I think, is that a burst of color reflects what is happening in my heart.

 We sing a song...."My hope is in You, Lord"....and there it is, the reason to celebrate, to sing, to dance, to worship with a joyful "Yes!"   My hope, my joy, my comfort, my strength, my life is in Him, and I look forward to Easter with a renewed sense of excitement and anticipation.  So I am going to wear something new and bright on Easter Sunday this year and try to keep myself from dancing up the aisle at church shouting my "Yes!" and "Alleluia!"  Christ is risen.  He is risen indeed!

                                            " Deck yourself with joy!" ~ Elisabeth Elliot


  1. Amen!

    (How about a happy, spring-like purse to accompany that new outfit? Hm?)


    1. Now how did you know?! Oh, that's're the one that made me buy it! :)
