Monday, May 21, 2012

Spring Rain

It is one of those gentle rains.  I love sitting at the window, listening to the raindrops falling onto the patio and watching the birds enjoying their bath.   A good day to stay home and be quiet.  This will be a good day for the flowers, the grass and the potted plants, too.  God's provision. 

It is a good day for thinking.  I am mulling over yesterday's sermon, a very heavy one.  It came from the lips of a guest preacher, one who has known much pain in his life and has allowed God to use the  hurtful things he experienced as a youth to feed a ministry to young people who desperately need someone who understands and comes along side to help carry the load.

I am thinking about forgiveness, trust, mercy.....God's grace, raining down and transforming lives, bringing beauty from ashes.  A good day for gratitude, for prayer, for thinking.

"Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it."  ~  Mark Twain

1 comment:

  1. A great reminder. Thank-you!
    Enjoying your blog.
    Mj Miller
