Thursday, June 21, 2012

Horse Sense

I love the public library and all that it offers.  Having worked in that most wonderful atmosphere, I have benefited from its wide variety of blessings.  Now, as a volunteer and patron, I enjoy browsing the stacks and discovering new offerings and, sometimes, old favorites. My selections are most often for my own reading pleasure, but I also have the privilege of introducing good books to children.  A number of years ago, I was facilitating a book club for young girls.  We were exploring the oldies but goodies...the classics.  It was while reading one of these that I found the quote below.

Now, something one must never, ever do is underline a word, a sentence or a passage in a library book.  That is where my little quote book comes in handy.  Every once in a while, on the page of a good piece of fiction, a bit of wisdom jumps out, resonates strongly and demands to be remembered long after the book is returned to the library.  Jotting it down in my quote book insures that it will not fade away and gives opportunity to share it with others.

Yesterday, while enjoying the company of a dear friend, our conversation turned to appreciation for the good folks God has put into our lives.  We voiced our gratitude for His hand of blessing and provision, for where He has led us and for the wonderful people He has placed on our paths....for our homes and families, for our churches, for kindred spirits.  We spoke of the unexpected pleasure found in those little conversations with a stranger in line at the grocery store, where God seems to open a door to speak a word of encouragement or comfort.  We reminded one another of how often we are blessed through the friendly faces, smiles and words of people we meet in ordinary places.   I was instantly reminded of the following quote, shared it with my friend, and knew it would be my next entry on this blog.

"It is good people that make good places."  ~      from Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell

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