Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Stepping Out

New Year's Day!  Most folks are astounded at how fast the time has gone...how an entire year seems to have just flown past us.  Here we are, at the beginning of a brand new year, wondering what it will bring.  We hope for good health, for good times, for less hardship and heartache in the lives of those we love.  We long for a more peaceful year, for recovery and revival..... for our nation to turn back to God and to embrace the principles upon which we were founded.

Of course, no one knows what we will be looking back on twelve months from now.  But we hold on to  hope, and well we should.  In the book of Hebrews, we read that our hope is an anchor for our souls, firm and secure ( Heb. 6:19).  An anchor sounds like a really good thing to have while riding the uneasy seas of this world...but where do we find it?  The anchor we need cannot be found in some nebulous, pie-in-the-sky philosophy or in man's wisdom alone.  We who have trusted in Christ as our savior know that He is our hope and our anchor.  We can step out into this new year with confidence, courage and joy knowing we are anchored to the One who will never fail us. 

"Hope is the fuel for the journey from the known to the unknown." 
~source unknown~

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